General Science: How Animals Move


*Subject* : _Science_

*Topic* : _How Animals Move_

*Objective* : _List the ways animals move_

*Activity 1                 Discussion/ Questioning:*

• Have you watched how an animal moves or gets around?  Animals move in different ways.
• Let us first look at ourselves. How do we human beings move about? (We can walk or we can run.)
• Can you name an animal that walks or runs?

*Activity* 2            Watch the video on how animals move.


• List the different ways animals move as shown in the video. ( walk, run, jump, hop, slither, swim, crawl, fly)

*Activity 3*                      Create a small booklet on the movement of animals

*Step 1*

Use 3 or 4 sheets of   paper and fold in half into a booklet form. Staple the booklet to keep it in place.

*Step 2-* 

On the front of the booklet write your name and the title ‘Movement of Animals’

*Step 3* - 

Select 5 different ways animals move. Write the movement at the top of the page then draw or paste a picture of an animal for that movement. Only one animal on each page. Write the animal’s name next to it.

*Step 4* - 

Students will present their booklet in a short video. They must show the picture of    each animal, say its name and how it moves. Example: This is a caterpillar. It crawls.

*Due Date for booklet:** _Wednesday 10th February 2021_     *(25 marks)*


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